Friday, June 29, 2007

The excitement of a 7 month old!

Hayden was cracking me up this morning! Lauren and I were making funny noises and faces at him and each time he would get so excited. And the more we laughed, the more he did it!! I couldn't resist sharing some pictures of his excitement this morning!

Thursday, June 28, 2007

What's up with Hayden

Hayden is growing up so fast!! In the last few weeks he has started doing so many new things...eating finger foods, drinking from a sippy cup, doing his own version of crawling, sitting himself up, and just showing more and more of his personality!

Wednesday, June 27, 2007

Crazy Nights at Kids 4 Truth

Each week this summer, Kids 4 Truth is having different theme nights. Lauren plans days in advance what she will be wearing for each theme. It's so fun to see her get so excited about something....and we can't just take the simple route either. I tried to just get by by having her wear mismatched socks on Crazy Sock Night, but that wasn't CRAZY enough, so we had to put socks in her hair, around her waist and coming out of her pockets!!

Kids 4 Truth is the Sunday night children's program at our church. You should check out the website at

Our visitors

Imagine my surprise when I went to take the trash out and found a momma skunk and her 5 babies making their way across our backyard. The momma ran under our deck before we could get the camera, but we did get a few pictures of the babies. While the idea of skunks in my backyard freaks me out, I have to admit that the babies were pretty cute!