Monday, October 8, 2007

Look at me now!!

For a while now, Hayden has been standing without really knowing what he was doing. He would be preoccupied with a toy or trying to reach something and stand for a few seconds on his own. But, in the last couple of days he has started to stand and realize what he is doing. We will stand him up and he will get so excited about what he can excited that he loses his balance and is back down sitting on the floor. It's so cute to see him so proud of himself and we know that now that he is starting to stand that walking is not that far away!

Saturday, October 6, 2007

Hayden's First Haircut

Well, I finally broke down and agreed to let Bobby take Hayden to have his hair cut. They went this morning to see Ted Geifer, a man in our church who is a barber. The top picture shows him "before", the middle is at the barber shop, and the bottom is the "after" picture. I couldn't believe how just a little trim made him look look so grown up!

Lauren's first grade class took a field trip this week to Weston Red Barn Farm. They learned about picking apples, but because of a late spring frost that left the trees with no blossoms, they weren't able to actually pick any apples. The farm had a large assortment of animals that they were able to see, and some they were even allowed to pet. After finishing at the farm, they drove to a nearby state park where they ate lunch, played games and then decorated pumpkin cookies before heading back to school. Lauren was so exhausted she fell asleep on the bus on the way home!!