Tuesday, January 23, 2007

Lauren chose a party at Lunar Bowl for her birthday this year. 15 of her friends came and went bowling, met Lunard (the bowling pin), ate pizza, had cake and ice cream and played in the arcade. Lauren had a blast! And Mommy didn't have to do much work (just bring the cake and goodie bags), whioh was great having a 2 month old at home!!

2 months old!

Well, it's hard to believe, but Hayden was 2 months old last Sunday!!! We took him to the doctor on the 15th for his checkup and his first shots. He has gotten so big weighing in at 12 lbs. 5.5 ozs and has grown to 24 inches long. He also had to receive his first shots, but thankfully Bobby had gone with us, so he stayed in the room because I can't bear to hear those tiny baby cries!!!!

Thursday, January 18, 2007

I've been tagged!

Okay, so I hope this works...I've never done one of these before...but Danielle tagged me, so I'll try it!

A- available or single? Nope
B-Best Friend: Bobby, my husband
C-cake or pie - Cake (preferably Red Velvet)
D-drink of choice - Diet Coke
E-essential item I use everyday- computer
F-favorite color - Green
G-gummy bears or gummy worms - gummy bears
H-hometown - Columbia, Missouri
I-Indulgence- date with my husband, overnight even better
J-January or February - February
K-Kids and names - Lauren and Hayden
L-Life is incomplete without - Having Christ as my Savior
M-Marriage date - June 7, 1997
N-Number of Siblings - One younger sister, Jennifer
O-oranges or apples - Apples
P-phobias or fears - only one? I worry about a lot of things!
Q-Favorite quote - I'm sleep deprived...I'm doing well to remember what day it is
R-Reasons to smile - friends and family
S-Season - Winter
T-tag three or four people - Laura, Michelle M....I don't know anyone else with a blog
U-Unknown fact about me - I have no clue!
V-Vegetables you don't like - homegrown green beans (like the ones in the can)
W-worst habit - procrastination
Y- your favorite food - fruit!!!
Z-zodiac - I think Leo

Friday, January 12, 2007

Hayden's Smiles

We've really enjoyed capturing some of Hayden's first smiles! Isn't he cute?

Tinker Toy Artist

Aunt Jennifer bought Lauren these Tinker Toys for Christmas. She decided that we should make the guitar and microphone like they had on the front of the can. Only problem is they don't give you good just have to go by the picture! But, we eventually got it made, and then she put on a concert for us!!

Christmas at Pa Pa and Granny's!

We enjoyed spending almost 2 weeks at my parents house in Columbia for the holidays. Christmas Day was so much fun for Lauren (and the rest of us). We opened our stocking presents that morning, had lunch around 1, everyone took naps, and then opened the rest of the presents late that afternoon. Lauren got a double treat because not only did she get to open her presents, but Hayden's as well.

Lauren and Hayden in their matching Christmas pajamas. Bobby thought maybe we should all get matching pajamas next year...I THINK NOT!

Gingerbread House

Granny bought this gingerbread house kit for Lauren and I to put together. The house was already stuck together so all we had to do was decorate! Believe me...that is the way to make a gingerbread house! Lauren had just as much fun eating the candy as she did putting it on the house.

1st Christmas Clothes

When Lauren celebrated her 1st Christmas she was almost a year old so it was very difficult to find many "Baby's 1st Christmas" outfits for her. So, when I knew Hayden would only be a month old for his 1st Christmas I just couldn't resist buying all sorts of Christmas outfits for him. Here are just a few of my favorites!

Christmas Pictures

Here are some of the pictures from our Christmas Card Photo Shoot. Considering that we had just learned Hayden had reflux and he had spent most of his day screaming and or crying, we are amazed that these pictures look as good as they do.

Plaza Lights Flight

Bobby and Lauren got the opportunity in early December to go up in a plane (Lauren's first plane ride) to view the Plaza lights from the sky. I don't know who was more excited...Bobby or Lauren!!

Here are some pictures from our church Christmas program. Lauren was so excited to get to be one of the star holders!

Hayden's first time to church! Pa Pa and Granny gave him this cute little outfit!

Lauren was so excited when we had a large snowfall in early December. She couldn't wait to get outside and play!!! I think it took longer to get her dressed in all of her snow attire than it did for her to run around outside and get tired of playing in the snow! But, hey, it sure made for some cute pictures!

Our Muscle Girl

Imagine our surprise when Lauren came downstairs looking like this! She had stuffed socks into her pajamas to make it look like she had big muscles. We never know what she will come up with next!

Thursday, January 11, 2007

Some favorite pictures

Here are some of my favorite pictures from the last few months of our lives. Our precious baby boy sleeping...Lauren's first day of kindergarten...and Lauren dressed up for Halloween as a little Chinese girl (my parents didn't even recognize her!)

Wednesday, January 10, 2007

Starting my blog

Well, I've finally given in to peer pressure and am starting my own blog! Hopefully this will be a great way for family and friends to stay up to date on what is happening in the Patterson household!

Here's a picture of Hayden and Lauren on Thanksgiving day! Hayden was just a little over a week old at the time.