Thursday, January 18, 2007

I've been tagged!

Okay, so I hope this works...I've never done one of these before...but Danielle tagged me, so I'll try it!

A- available or single? Nope
B-Best Friend: Bobby, my husband
C-cake or pie - Cake (preferably Red Velvet)
D-drink of choice - Diet Coke
E-essential item I use everyday- computer
F-favorite color - Green
G-gummy bears or gummy worms - gummy bears
H-hometown - Columbia, Missouri
I-Indulgence- date with my husband, overnight even better
J-January or February - February
K-Kids and names - Lauren and Hayden
L-Life is incomplete without - Having Christ as my Savior
M-Marriage date - June 7, 1997
N-Number of Siblings - One younger sister, Jennifer
O-oranges or apples - Apples
P-phobias or fears - only one? I worry about a lot of things!
Q-Favorite quote - I'm sleep deprived...I'm doing well to remember what day it is
R-Reasons to smile - friends and family
S-Season - Winter
T-tag three or four people - Laura, Michelle M....I don't know anyone else with a blog
U-Unknown fact about me - I have no clue!
V-Vegetables you don't like - homegrown green beans (like the ones in the can)
W-worst habit - procrastination
Y- your favorite food - fruit!!!
Z-zodiac - I think Leo


SturgillMom said...

Very nice job, Jackie! I should have guessed that your favorite food is fruit -- you ARE crazy...are you sure that wasn't a "sleep-deprived" answer?